History is all encompassing. It is dynamic and not as boring as it is perceived. Nok view is here to stimulate the dissemination and knowledge of history.

Blogger Award Nomination, Daily Living, Experiences


I got a Blogger Recognition Awards 2017

Introduction to The Blogger Recognition Award

I got a mail from Ayandola Ayanleke about a nomination for Blogger Recognition Award. I was amazed and happy at the same time. It also made me feel honoured about being recognised enough to get such an award.

Well, I had to read extensively about what it entails so here it goes

For this award there is no  plaque or anything attached to it.  It is a way for up and coming bloggers to applaud ourselves for a job well-done.  It is a start, a stepping stone for all of the new and recognised Bloggers

The Blogger Recognition Award is a blogger to blogger recognition of hard work and also a way of creating awareness.

How did I get the award?

I was nominated by Ayandola Ayanleke  a blogger. Her blog is a mixture of daily living, lifestyle, Faith, relationship, script writing to mention. It encompasses what  an individual needs to boost mental, physical, character, religious and emotional stability. Her posts are funny, inspirational and uplifting. Feel free to visit her blog. The blog url is http://www.ayandola.com

How did I start blogging?

My blogging experience began in an attempt to face a challenge I was going through and also channel my energy into something positive instead of running away from the challenge.. In others it was an attempt to make a difference with my life. My love for writing led to a lot of unfinished works which I still try to finish .Thus, with a lot of guidance, I saw blogging as a tool to finish up this works, educate people and also share what is going on in my mind, around the world inclusive of the past and the present)

The Reason For a history blog

I would be truthful about this to everyone.

At one stage in my life, I realised that the idea of history taunts almost everyone that is inclusive of me. Then I was given history and international studies as my discipline in school, I knew I had to step up my game.

I would not lie to you, I had to school myself to know and love history. What helped me was my love for reading and knowing about new places inclusive of their history. That was how my love for history grew. I had tutors and friends that helped me out to better and I appreciate them all, for part of who I am today in my blogosphere is   because of them.

Ok, I don’t want to derail much so here is the answer for the reason

  • There are people who felt the way I did, so I wanted to help them
  • To change the mentality that history is hard and complicated
  • History is important. Knowledge of history helps you to know and understand a little about different people, country and their behaviours.
  • History is the bedrock of knowledge, in all your getting, get knowledge and understanding.
  • Lastly I have blog influencers, they made me want to own a blog


Advice for new bloggers

Ok, so I have been able to blog for 9 months ( wow) can I say I am still new at this?

My advice goes thus:

  • There are different types of blog, study them and decide which would suit your purpose
  • think about what your niche would be as a blogger
  • be consistent in what you do
  • read what you write,because you need to avoid typos. They are the killers when it comes to you audience satisfaction.
  • the size of your audience does not matter keep up the good work


  • Don’t stop writing: it is one step at a time, your audience would grow
  • Check out other bloggers, read their works, ask for help and never compare.
  • Don’t stop believing
  • Do not procrastinate, Tell yourself, you can and you must post regularly.

Finally My Nominations

In fulfillment to the recognition award, I would love to nominate some blogs i believe is deserving of this award, please check it out.

Samuel Ibrahim blog is about life(relationship, sex, love, God), faith, love for cakes and books https://samuelibrahim.com/

Neriah Talks is about reaching out to as many people. To make reader understand that we are all created for different purposes and we are created to make a difference. https://neriahwordpresscom.wordpress.com/

Love kadisky: it a blog about accepting love,believing in love and  living in love, a love project. https://lovekadisky.wordpress.com/

one year no alcohol is a blog that shows thee experience, commitment and dedication in achieving a goal which is to stop  taking alcohol: https://oneyearnoalcohol.com/

This is a blog centered around God , this includes articles, culture, movies to watch etc.  https://blog.godinterest.com/

Frank Solanki is a blog that have thoughtful words in form of poems https://franksolanki.wordpress.com/

Elan Mudrow blog encompasses poems and stories https://tricksterchase.com/

This blog is about games, we play and talk video games, but more importantly, we’re proud to play and talk video games. https://dpadjoy.com/

Desultory Heroics is a hybrid aggregator/personal blog providing news, commentary, think pieces and art worth sharing https://desultoryheroics.com/

https://simpleula.com/ is about love, life, fun, fitness, food and may more

As one of the nominees, you are required to

Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog

Write a post to show your award

Provide a brief history of how you started blogging

Select  from 10-15 or more bloggers you believe are deserving

Send them all a message letting them know about the nomination and provide a link to the post you created.

Thank you  Ayandola Ayanleke  I feel honoured and thrilled. http://www.ayandola.com


  1. Ugofather

    Nice one dear, God bless your hustle

  2. Congrats! More power to your elbow

  3. Annie Odiong

    Well done Kadish….I’m so proud of u. Keep it up

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