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Africa, Nigeria, third world

The Proliferation of Small Weapons and Its Impact on the Human Factor and economic development in Nigeria Since 1999.

Small arms are weapons designed for personal use and used by an individual combatant example of these includes such as revolver,  hand grenade, rifles, pistols, and light machine guns, etc. [1]  In recent times Nigeria’s has been faced with a situation whereby there is the proliferation of small and light weapons. These weapons have been misused, posing a threat to life, peace, and security in Nigeria

It is evident that the proliferation of small and light weapons is a threat to socio-economic development; it is a threat to peace and security, economic development, political development, human development, etc. Nigeria has witnessed devastating armed conflicts because of the proliferation of small and light weapons and is a great threat to peace and security. Examples can be drawn from violent crimes, the reportage of assassination, armed robberies, burglaries, assaults, etc. These activities have led to national insecurity, instability, and a minimum level of peace and when there is no peace, there is no development. it has been misused in different ways by both individuals, security personnel, and the state. In Nigeria, the manifestation of small and light weapons could be seen in all parts from the Niger Delta activities, to the Boko Haram activities and even security officials (SARS).

Loss of human factor

It is important to note that the proliferation of small and light is not only a threat to Nigeria but also the global peace, security, and development because of the people affected by the use of these weapons. These people are caught in the crossfire such as children, women, political nonconformists, journalist, and men, etc,

Energy, time, and resources that were supposed to put into productive economic activities are diverted to the fighting insurgency which is counterproductive. These definitely lead to depletion of resources and food which results in rising of prices of things, hunger becomes the norm which is disrupting economic activities, commercial movements in the country and welfare of citizens example of these are the internally displaced people (IDPs) scattered around the nation due to insecurity, lack of food, etc. these people are situated in the different IDP camps such as the one at Federal capital territory of Abuja, Edo, Borno, Adamawa State.

Humans with economic potentials are killed or maimed through the usage of small and light weapons such as Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosion Devices (VBIED), Motorcycle Borne Improvised Explosion Devices (MBIED) which is evident in the different Boko Haram bombings, etc.[2]

A threat to Economic Development

The effect of the proliferation is a great threat to economic development as Nigeria losses foreign investment either due to insecurity faced by people on a daily basis or the tinted name of the nation which is looked as a terrorist state. Also, the proliferation of small and light weapons as brought about economic instability which has led to a state of underdevelopment because leaders are been attacked and the economy has been dejected because nobody (foreigners) are ready to bring its industries or workers to Nigeria because of the probability of been killed

Due to the threat attached to small and light weapons, people are fleeing the troubled zone for safe havens. Thus fleeing with their business ideas and enterprises and external of foreign investors leaving the country for safer and peaceful territory.

Also because of the fear of not getting the earning of investment, Capital flight has been recorded from the Nigerian economy. The effect of this is the impeding of economic growth and national development.  A particular effect of the proliferation of small and light weapons is the distribution of normal economic patterns. It also threatens the destruction of resources and the environment

Destruction of Infrastructure

Properties and economic structures that were put in place have been ruined such as banks, factories, companies due to bombings, bullets among others

A possible Panacea                                          

 Combating the access and proliferation of small and light weapons is important in any development effort. Nigeria have carried out different means to tackle the proliferation of small and light weapon but  there is still a need to address the issue to do that, there is a need to:

  • There is a need for policy formation that would curb the proliferation of small and light weapons. 
  • When this done then there should be monitoring, regulations, and strengthening of the law regarding the policies.
  • There is a need to put in place the necessary infrastructure and control mechanism even after these policies.
  • Strict and effective initiatives that would be abided to with checks and balances.
  • Restrictive usage of these weapons.
  • Capacity building for  state and national security agencies

[1] Wendy Cukier, “Small Arms and Light Weapons: A Public Health Approach” The Brown Journal of World Affairs, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2002):  p. 262

[2]  Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos, Boko Haram: Islamism, politics, security and the state in Nigeria. West African Politics and Society Series, Vol. 2 (African Studies Centre And French Institute for Research in Africa / InstitutFrançais de Recherche en Afrique, Netherlands. (2014),173.[3] Oliseh Kadishi and Iluoma Chinoso, “ Environmental Implication of Boko Haram Menace in Nigeria.” In proceedings of  2017  Afri Heritage Institute conference on  29 September ,2010. Enugu: Industrial layout, 2017.

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