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international relation, REVOLUTION

Arms Proliferation(spread) and its threat to human security.

Hello Nokviewers

There is something I feel everyone should have an idea of when it comes to security, because security is very important and it covers both individual, regional, continental and global security. This relates to the presence of arms, its proliferation and the need or purpose of arm control. Whether we like it or not, arms such as small and light weapons, ballistic missiles etc. are prevalent in our societies. It goes from and affects individual level to societal, continental and the global and to an extent have become a threat.

If I am asked what would you like to own that would make you feel secure. I will definitely say a gun or maybe pepper spray… anyways,  I have a fascination with arms such as guns but luckily for me I am born in Nigeria and I am freaking scared of seeing a gun because of the regular case of stray bullets and wrong shooting. Maybe that is why I have always had an interest in topics related to war, arms race etc


So why some people can control the impulses that comes with pulling the triggers, others might not especially on the bases of self-defense. We know in some countries that owning of guns is legalized while in some it is not but it still available.

I can give historical background of arms race, its spread, its usage, it’s evident around the world and most especially about Nigeria but that is not for today. Anyways my post today goes beyond individual ownership of arms and thus would focus on some concepts related to arms proliferation. I would give a brief explanation of Arms, small arm, light arm, ballistic missiles, disarmaments etc.


What are arms?

What is Arms race?

What is small arm, with examples

What are light weapons with examples

What is weapon of mass destruction (WMD)

What is nuclear weapon?

What is proliferation in relations to arms

What is Arms Control and disarmament? 

Evidences and effect of this weapons

Arms are weapons and explosives majorly used in fighting wars. With the presence of arms and the need to acquire the most sophisticated arms, a concept of arms race emerged, arms race is a competitive acquisition pattern and process whereby two or more countries participate in acquiring or developing their  military competence and strength, through the development of necessary apparatus needed in the military arsenal. The race for arms (arms race) has led to necessary measures to be taken, this is called arms control.

Arms control has been conceptualized by different schools of thoughts and scholars, what it simply means is and procedure in form of policies, treaties, arrangements, restraints, agreements etc. by different parties from the local, state to the international level and global level to reduce or limit the usage, production of weapons mostly  but not limited to warfare. This includes weapons of mass destructions, nuclear weapons, biological and chemical weapons, small arms and light weapons.

UN panel of experts defined small arms as weapons used by an individual combatant such as revolver,  hand grenade, rifles, pistols and light machine guns etc. [1] In other words, they are seen as arms designed for personal use. Small and light weapons were brought into existence during the Second World War and is a common place since the beginning of the cold war in which USA and USSR and their allies had formed military alliances and were at the verge of engaging in a Third World War.

Small arms is sometimes mistaken to be Light weapon, but there is a difference as Light weapon has been conceptualised to include any weapon that can be carried by a small group of people but majorly two or three people examples includes military style guns, grenade launchers, mobile anti-tank guns, rocket launchers, machine gun, shoulder fired anti-aircraft missile launchers etc. They also include any weapon that can be easily transported by a light vehicle.[2]

Weapon of mass destruction is a form of weapon that cannot be overlooked as it is called this because the weapons under this category are lethality  and cause great damage, it has  enormous potential for mass destruction and causing mass casuality ranging from million to billion deaths  example of the weapons under this category includes radiological weapons, biological and chemical weapons and nuclear weapons[1]



Nuclear weapon is a missile or bomb that causes explosion. It is also called nuclear warhead, nuke, atomic/atom bomb. This bomb derives its destructive  power from  nuclear energy/ nuclear reaction.[2] These weapons were first delivered by aircraft but this has metamorphosed into strategic/ intercontinental ballistic missiles(ICBM) and smaller tactical nuclear weapons whereby war heads, missiles  to mention a few can be programmed to hit strategic locations across different locations examples includes shorter-range ballistic and cruise missiles, artillery projectiles, torpedoes.  Research shows that as at 2010 U.S.A had about 9,400 warheads and this ranges from different types of  ICBMs,Cruise missiles, Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs). [3] imagine what other countries like Russia, North Korea etc. would have.

Nonetheless, these weapons overtime has become proliferated thus, there is a need to understand the concept of proliferation. Proliferation is the spread and easy access to merchandise; thus, proliferation of small and light weapon is the acquisition of these weapons capabilities by states not previously possessing them. [4] individuals included.  In relation to this, weapon can be proliferated through trafficking, wiliness of some states to co-operate with terrorist extremist or organised crime group to mention a few.

With the proliferation of weapons, there was a need for arms control and disarmament this means setting  measures pursued deliberately and persistently, that aids to control the spread of arms in other to preserve international peace. The discussion on disarmament has been traced to conferences of the Hague in 1899 and 1907 when there was an international agreement, other examples includes the League of Nations conference during 1932-1-34, Unite Nations Organisation  permanent disarmamemt commission established in 1952, Nuclear test ban treaty 1963, Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty 1968, SALT 1and SALT II to mention a few.[5]


To summarize todays post, proliferation of small and light weapons and the delivery means is a growing tangible threat in the present era ( 21st century) in the sense that there is the spread and  easy access to these weapons through trafficking, willingness of some states to co-operate with terrorist extremists,  organized crime groups, for the purpose of arms provision,  for  has led to their  increased number in circulation (proliferation) with the attendant  consequence of their misuse .

It has been misused in different ways by both individuals, security personnel’s and state. In Nigeria the manifestation of small and light weapons could be seen in all parts from the Niger Delta activities, to the Boko Haram activities and even security officials (SARS). Sophisticated guns and bombs have been used to kill innocent people and this was apparent in Adamawa state (Mubi) when at least 40 people were killed by a bomb.[6] Weapons are used to commit electoral violence, series of armed robbery attacks, kidnaping etc.

The visible need to curb the spread and handle the usage of all these weapons including nuclear, small and light weapons is what has aided the discussion of arms control. Despite some shortcoming, the purpose of arms control cannot be overlooked. It is hoped that all countries would abide to reducing the usage of these weapons as ir is a threat to human life, peace and security.


Wendy Cukier, “Small Arms and Light Weapons: A Public Health Approach” The Brown Journal of World Affairs, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2002):  p. 262

CISS Report. “Light  Weapons  and Civil Conflict: Conflicting the Tools Violence.” Bulletin of the American academy of Arts and sciences, vol 52, No 4(1999) p. 22

Okodoho C.A. Arms control and disarmament, Lagos, 2005 p. 100

Maloswe Godwin C. “State and Security crises in Nigerias’s fourth republic.” International Journal of Development and Sustainability. Vol 5 Number 2 (2016):54

[1]  Marriane Hanson. Arms control in Devetak R. Burke A. and George J. An Introduction to International relation. Cambridge University Press p. 173

[2] wikipedia

[3] https://www.britannica.com/technology/nuclear-weapon accessed om 2/26/2020

[4] Okodoho C.A. Arms control and disarmament p. 100

[5]  Palmowski J. Dictionary of Contemporary world history from 1900 190

[6] Maloswe Godwin C. “State and Security crises in Nigerias’s fourth republic.” International Journal of Development and Sustainability. Vol 5 Number 2 (2016):54

[1] Wendy Cukier, “Small Arms and Light Weapons: A Public Health Approach” The Brown Journal of World Affairs, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2002):  p. 262

[2]  CISS Report. “Light  Weapons  and Civil Conflict: Conflicting the Tools Violence.” Bulletin of the American academy of Arts and sciences, vol 52, No 4(1999) p. 22


  1. Temimocis

    You have done justice to this topic…… This is awesome….

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