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The Greco-Roman Civilisation signifies the classical era of the Greeks and Romans. During these periods, Africans were dominant and thus contributed to the economic, social, military, political, religious aspects of life. This post would discuss the contributions of Africans to the development of Greco-Roman civilisation. It is important to note that the Greco-Roman civilisation is divided into two Cicero and Augustus eras, which were B.C.

During these periods, Africans got into the civilisation as slaves, slaves from wars and also through migration, some from diplomatic relations such as the ones that were paramount in the Cicero era between Egypt and the west, city of Monroe. One of the reasons why blacks got into Greco-Roman civilisation was for political reasons and for trade relations, to sell and exchange goods and services.

With the above, the presence of blacks was evident. Those who were taken as slaves were used as drivers, wet nurses, bath attendants, farmworkers , butlers , builders stonemasons. These were some. activities played by these black individuals, this in a way contributed to the development of Greco Roman Civilisation.

Africans got into these civilisation through migration from Egypt , some were carried from wars such as the Ethiopians through diplomatic relations, An example is the ones that were paramount in the Cicero era between Egypt and the west and even the city of Monroe, ( March 32 BC – August 30 BC, the Battle of Actium)

Also, blacks got into Greco Roman civilization or city through political reasons, and also to sell goods that is for trade relations. Thus with the presence of black in this civilization some were used as slaves such as the wet nurses, drivers, bath attendance, Etc. some blacks even worked in the farms, and were animal farmers, builders, butters etc. they in turn contribute to the economic growth of the Greco-Roman civilisation.

Also it was noted through pottery, sculpture and even coinage that Black participated in the military aspect of the Greco-Roman civilisation, such as the coinage which had the head of an Negro and at the second side had man out which was in favour of the blacks that fought in Hannibal was taken over by Italy, also in Cyprus it was said that pottery emphasized the participation of blacks in military aspect of the Greco-Roman civilization. To the extent that it was emphasized that Blacks were made as generals such as Illius and in the parsian and prosberistian war black were said to have been present with the account of Thycides and Xerxes.

Further more in the Economic aspect it was recorded that it was a black that founded the Shorthand school this slave named Tipo was a slave under Cicero who founded shorthand and at the time Cicero died. It was noted that he founded the short hand school and through this, people were thought shorthand which is present in the contemporary era or period and also helped to free blacks were Traders, artisans e.t.c.

Moreso Blacks was a major feature in the social endeavors are an aspect of the Greco-Roman civilization because records of poem stated that blacks were musicians, joggers, acrobats e.t.c and thus entertain the people of the classical civilization, also a slave who once was with General Tantanius was said to have written a poem, a poetry.

Even blacks were noted for their strength and gladiators skills thus promoting social aspect of these civilization. “Eight African men had positions of command in the northern Roman legions. Other Africans held high rank as equestrian officers. Most Africans, however, were ordinary soldiers or slaves in the Army or to wealthy Roman officials. Moreover, the racially mixed Roman military force did not treat all troops equally.

Concerning religion, it is important to mention that blacks both freemen and slaves worshipped with their masters in the place of worship (temples, shrines etc.). And it was recorded that several slaves became pope in Rome. Examples of these was Victor 1890 A.D who tried to unite the eastern and western churches through a note, in other to celebrate easter together but this was refused by the eastern slave through this pope victor excluded them from the Cuminum service he noted to contribute greatly to the faith.

Also, pope Benedict de moor, who was called the holy man had black dissent in his blood that his parents were African/Blacks. He was the superior of the monastery of Santa fare de Jesus porta and was remembered for his good deeds and his helping of the poor that was why he was called the holy man.

Additionally in the political sense it was recorded that Rome had up to ten black emperors example of this was Firmus and Silmous Sivoski who were blacks and ruled these great empire to her great lights. There was also a black Romam Empire named Septimius Severus, he ruled large parts of Europe, the Middle East and Africa. When he came to Hadrian’s Wall in 208AD.

Lastly it should be noted that the race relation of this period was at its finest stage, that is there was limited discrimination in their relation as there is in present time, slaves and masters worked together, worshiped together etc. and examples of these was Tipo the slave and Cicero the master who worked together and formed short hand, and also as a Queen who was said have given birth to a black daughter and her excuse being that during her delivery she saw a black man, thus given to a black daughter as a princess which scientifically speaking is not possible.

In conclusion, it is therefore right to ascertain that blacks and Africans contributed to the development of the Greco-Roman civilization and these was recorded in historical texts such as the one or book Thucides wrotes, the bronze coinage made by or because of hannibals defeat and also the popes action such as Pope Victor.

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