History is all encompassing. It is dynamic and not as boring as it is perceived. Nok view is here to stimulate the dissemination and knowledge of history.

Africa, AMERICA, CONFERENCE UPDATE, Daily Living, EUROPE, Experiences, history and Love, international relation, Nigeria, Women in Development


Congratulations to the University of Ibadan, Department of History for the conclusion of an international conference on the Humanities and Development In Africa. This conference was held at Conference centre, University of Ibadan U.I on 5th – 9th July 2017.

The conference was indeed an experience that not only historians but every person in Nigeria, Africa and the world should have attended and if possible participated. To this medium, the posts that would come after this post would be a summary about some of the sessions the writer was able to attend and understand. So if you could not attend you could as well read about it.

The conference started on Wednesday with the registration process among others. It was in full swing from Thursday with the opening ceremony at main hall, conference centre, U.I , with all procedures been observed. This procedure involved National and University Anthem, invitation of special guest to the high table,   welcome address, Good will message, Opening remarks Keynote speakers session, to mention a few.

The High table was what we could call a table of gemstones. This was because the table was occupied by People to be reckoned with in Nigeria, Africa and the world. It was occupied by great men and woman namely Mama Bolanle Awe, A great historian Obaro Ikime, Prof. Toyin Falola,   Prof C.B.N Ogbogbo, Dr Martins Uhomoibho , A representative of Prof Abel Olayinka. The Keynote was titled The Humanities and development in Africa Discordance’s and Dysfunctional Narratives would be summarized in the next post. After the first session there was Menu Menu.

It is important to note that food is the way to a man’s stomach and heart. This was exhibited during the duration of the conference. There was tea breaks and lunch breaks which was sumptuous. The Tea break involved tea, coffee, pastries etc and the lunch break which involved food  was in two shared into categories namely what Nigerians call the Swallow food(Semo and vegetable soup) and then grain food (Jolof  Rice, local rice ).  The toppings were bountiful in form of  Kroaker Fish and Beef meat stew among others. These showed that we were welcomed and appreciated.


After the dinning period, different sessions were held.  on Thursday July 6 a plenary session  was held with five speakers. This was followed by a cocktail at the Vice Chancellors lodge. There was concurrent sessions on July 7 and 8 that lasted for about three to three and a half hour each. These sessions had different themes some of which were

Theories and Approaches to Development,

Poverty, Inequality and Unemployment,

The state, Institutional Framework and Development Challenge in Africa,

Corruption and Africa’s Developmental Crisis

Gender and Sexuality

Humanistic Perspective on Development

Economic Backwardness and development Challenges in Africa

Foreign Aid, Debts and Development challenges.

These sessions was divided into 36 sessions which covered varieties of topics which was informative. For more information on this, you can Google international conference on the Humanities and Development In Africa. You would be able to find useful information’s about the program outline and topics.

The duration of this conference was filled with informative, educational and social activities which were a balance. it encapsulated both the young and old. It brought about interaction and networking of different generations, age group and calibre of individuals .

Total attainment of perfection is like chasing a mirage, to this statement, the conference had its setbacks which was majorly towards the end of day four which was on Saturday 8th of July, when there were some challenges, it is important to note that the organisers were swift to action and thus they tried to handle this challenges properly and to the best of their abilities.

To end this post, Kudos to the Job well done to firstly the Host University and History  Department  Also to the coordinators,  Participates and all those who  attended the conference from all over the world and continents with exception of Asia,this was because no one from Asian continent was present.

For those traveling Safe trip back to your various destinations.

This blog is an independent blog and it aims to promote history, which in turns affect all area of human life. This blog is written in the words and understanding of NOK VIEW to stimulate the dissemination of knowledge.

Remember to leave your comments.

Have a blessed night.

Long live History

Long live Knowledge

Long live peaceful coexistence among different states, nations and countries of the world.

Picture snapped at the conference centre.


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