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Africa, HISTORY, history and Love, Nigeria

Interrogating the Concept of Restructuring for Progress or Balkanizing to Retrogression; Using Sudan and Yugoslavia as Case Study. Paper Presented at Maroonsquare Discourse 2021

In an attempt to interrogate and understand the concept of Restructuring and Balkanization, the work Interrogating the Concept of Restructuring for Progress or Balkanizing to Retrogression; Using Sudan and Yugoslavia as Case Study was presented At The Maroonsquare two-day Discourse on National Development held, 2021 held at the Science Auditorium, Federal College of Education (Tech), Akoka, Yaba, Lagos with the theme; Identity Politics and the National Question in Nigeria sponsored by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

Before Nigeria was put under one umbrella, it was characterised by the presence of different entities and small political units. Nigeria became an independent nation and as a political unit under one political umbrella and have been in existence since 1914, and when it comes to understanding the concept of restructuring in Nigeria, history becomes important. This study aims to interrogate the concept of restructuring and the idea of Balkanization in Nigeria, to achieve this, the work has been divided into 4 namely introduction, conceptual clarification, the history of restructuring in Nigeria, Interrogating the Concept of Restructuring for Progress Or Balkanizing To Retrogression using South Sudan and the balkanized states of Yugoslavia as case studies for analysis and then conclusion. This study adopts the use of historical approach in gathering and interpreting data. These include the use of both primary and secondary data. Major data is gotten from secondary sources which include books, journals to mention a few.

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What is Restructuring and Balkanization?

Restructuring is the “process is popularly referred to as “state creation” and/or “reorganization” the process whereby new geo-political units/constituents known as “states” in most federations are created out of existing or old ones” It is defined as the redistribution of power and resources from the federal to the state governments. Also Restructuring: is a term use to connote effort geared towards rearranging, reconstruct, re-orient, reshuffle or revamp reconstitute, re- establishment, overhauling of institutions, organization and systems.

Balkanization simply means the breaking and fragmentation of a larger region or state into smaller regions of states. It is the division of a country into smaller ethnically homogeneous entities. Examples of countries that have balkanized, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Slovenia. Macedonia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Balkanization is generally understood to be the break up of larger political units into smaller, mutually hostile states which are exploited or manipulated by more powerful neighbors.i

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It concludes that, using the case study of southern Sudan and the failed state of Sudan, when it comes to restructuring and balkanization, especially looking at the crises ridden South Sudan and the state of Somalia, should provide warnings for Nigeria
What plagues Nigeria needs to be settled, What is of importance is the need to address the challenges and problem of a challenging state e.g. development, security, representation, tackle marginalisation, infrastructural development, etc

It is important to note that attempts have been made to tackle some issues that have led to the clamouring for restructuring and succession an example is the introduction of national integration polices and programs e.g. NYSC, Quota system, creation of national orientation agency etc. Despite these efforts there are still outcry of marginalisation, neglect and lack of development, unfair representation, etc. This needs to be resolved looked

Adetoye D. 2016. Nigeria’s Federalism And State Reorganization And Restructuring: Attempts At National Integration Through Fragmentation. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection Vol. 4, No. 2, 2016 Progressive Academic Publishing, UK p 40

ii Abideen Muhammed Abeeb and Joseph Rudigi Rukema. 2021. Federalism and Restructuring in Nigeria Democratic System: Perspectives, Challenges and Prospect. .Journal Of Anthropological And Archaeological Sciences Vol5 .iss 2 . p422

iii James Der Derian. International Theory . Balkanisation and the New World Order p488

iv Abideen Muhammed Abeeb and Joseph Rudigi Rukema. 2021. Federalism and Restructuring in Nigeria Democratic System: Perspectives, Challenges and Prospect. . Journal Of Anthropological And Archaeological Sciences Vol5 .iss 2 . p422

v Abideen Muhammed Abeeb and Joseph Rudigi Rukema. 2021. Federalism and R

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