History is all encompassing. It is dynamic and not as boring as it is perceived. Nok view is here to stimulate the dissemination and knowledge of history.

Africa, AMERICA, Asia, EUROPE, European History, Experiences, history and Love, international relation, Japan, Nigeria, REVOLUTION

History seen and heard, Lessons not Learnt.

Nok View have decided to wish you a new month with this poetry

Titled: History seen and heard, Lessons not learnt. 

Looking back to different historic event

So many lessons to be learnt

Numerous pain felt

Death recorded

Mistakes made

Love not excluded

History heard and seen, Lesson not learnt.


Strong Civilisation present in the past

Yet, Strong Civilisation collapsed

Territories conquered

Strong men, women and children dying

Roman Empire, Greek Civilisation

Aztec Civilisation, Maya Civilisation

Songhai, Mali and Benin Empire not excluded

Blood spillage

History heard and seen, Lesson not learnt.


Ravenous Warfare’s

Ranging all around the world

At different times

Against different people

Also people in Civilisation, Empire, Countries, States…

Fighting against oneself

Thus directly and indirectly affecting the globe

The Mfecane, The Great War (World War 1) World War 2

To mention a few

Event Recorded in nature, environment and books for all to see

History heard and seen, Lesson not learnt.



  1. Akan Etuk

    Nice but u shld hav mentioned the lessons…

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