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AMERICA, history and Love


All the protest and displeasure’s which have been discussed in previous posts seems to be coming to an end with the Declaration of Independence.

In the Summer of 1776, more than a year after American colonists had begun their rebellion against Great Britain, there was a Declaration of Independence. This means that there was a pronouncement of liberation. This was carried in the second continental congress which there was debate for resolution of Independence.

A committee of five worked on the document relating to independence, but it was Thomas Jefferson who was the true child of the American Enlightenment that prepared the initial draft and whose eloquent phrasing made it a masterpiece of political writing. The text of the declaration contains three major sections; a statement of principle, a list of grievances against King George III and the formal announcement of Independence.

The Congress of July 1776 led to the unanimous declaration of the thirteen states of the United States of America. Representative for the thirteen states were listed and they signed the Declaration of Independence. The Thirteen states were Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia.

Despite the Declaration of Independence, Revolutionary War continued. For more information on Revolutionary war, check the next post.


Brogan, H., The Penguin History of the United State, Penguin, 1990.

Brogan, H., Longman History of the United State, 2nd edition Longman, 1999

Leonard C. woods, etal, The American Nation: Beginning Through Reconstruction,   HBJ pub 1986.

Richard,N.C et al, American History: A survey. New York,1983.

Several Lecture on American History By Dr. E. Ibiloye, 2011/2012

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