Theories are defined as a well-substantiated explanation of something, an organized system of knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain specific phenomena.[1] Looking at the definition of theories, it could be said that different theories have been created to explain the concept of objectivity.

On this, there are different theories that have argued if a historian can be objective, one of which is the Sceptical theory. The theory maintains that certain moral and metaphysical beliefs are behind historical interpretation, and these beliefs are not scientific in nature.[2] This theory denies the possibility of objectivity in history.

The second theory which denotes that objectivity attained in science can also be attainable in history is the Positivist Theory. The historians who are positivists such as Leopold von Ranke and Auguste Comte contend that historians should recognise facts, master them, and display them. They also opine that historians should not judge the past, but merely present what happened in the past. Through this, it could be said that the main thesis of this theory is the attainment of a single point of view. From this, history would be able to achieve objectivity.[3]
The perspective theory is the third theory. This theory accepts the irreducibly different point of view among historians. This theory also disputes the conclusion that the point of view rules out all objective knowledge of the past. In other words, this theory’s bone of contention is that objectivity in history should be taken in a weakened sense and history can only be said to be objective if facts are depicted accurately from its point of view, and not the other way round. With the above, it is believed that histories, historians, and historical accounts would not contradict but instead complement one another [4]
In summary, theorists and theories have tried to explain objectivity
[1] Franc Morale and Leah Gilner, 2014. Definition of Theories, SAGE English Dictionary and thesaurus, U.S: Princeton University.
[2] Walsh W.H, 1967. An Introduction to Philosophy of History, London: Hutchinson p108
[3] Olubomehin, O.O. 2001. The Issue of Objectivity in Issues in Historiography. … pp42-43
[4] Walsh W.H, 1967. An Introduction to Philosophy of History, … pp106-107
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